Sunday, September 30, 2012

Late pregnancy midwife appointments and checking fetal movement

Late pregnancy midwife appointments: From 20–24 weeks, your antenatal appointments will become more frequent. If your pregnancy is uncomplicated and you are well, you may not be seen as often.
Your later appointments are usually quite short. Your midwife or doctor will:
check your urine, blood pressure, and sometimes your weight
feel your uterus to check your baby’s position
measure your uterus to check your baby’s growth
listen to your baby’s heartbeat if you want them to.
You can also ask questions or talk about anything that is worrying you. You should be informed about:
Your plan of birth
How to prepare for labor and birth
How to tell if you are in active labor
Induction of labor if your baby is late
The ‘baby blues’ and postnatal depression
feeding your baby
screening tests for newborn babies
looking after yourself and your new baby.
Checking fetal growth and movement
At each antenatal appointment from 24 weeks, your midwife or doctor should check your baby’s growth. To do this, they will measure the distance from the top of your uterus to your pubic bone. The measurement will be recorded in your notes.
In the last weeks of pregnancy, you may also be asked to keep track of your baby’s movements.
If your baby’s movements become less frequent, slow down or stop, contact your midwife or doctor immediately.
You will be offered an ultrasound scan if your midwife or doctor has any concerns about your baby’s growth. 

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