Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rubella, chickenpox and Chlamydia in pregnancy

Rubella in pregnancy: If you catch rubella (or German measles) in the first four months of pregnancy it can seriously affect your baby’s sight and hearing and cause brain and heart defects. All children are now offered a vaccine against rubella through the MMR immunization at 13 months and a second immunization before they start school.
If you are not immune and you do come into contact with rubella, tell your doctor at once. Blood tests will show whether you have been infected.
Chickenpox in pregnancy
Around 95% of women are immune to chickenpox. If you have not had it and you come into contact with someone who has it, speak to your GP, midwife or obstetrician at once. A blood test will establish whether you are immune. Chickenpox infection in pregnancy can be dangerous for both mother and baby, so seek advice as soon as possible.
Chlamydia during pregnancy
Transmitted infections are on the increase. The most common is Chlamydia. Up to 70% of women and 50% of men who have Chlamydia show no symptoms, so you may not know if you have one. However, Chlamydia can affect your baby’s health during pregnancy and after birth. If you have any reason to believe that you or your partner has a Chlamydia, you should go for a check-up as soon as you can. You can ask your GP or midwife, or go to a (GUM). You will be guaranteed strict confidentiality. You can find your nearest GUM clinic in your phone book listed under the name of your primary care trust.
If you are under 25, you can visit a Brook centre to get free, confidential advice. To find your nearest centre, call the Ask Brook national helpline.
You can contact the National Chlamydia Screening Program for a free, confidential test.

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