Monday, October 1, 2012

How pregnancy ultrasound works - fetal movement patterns

How pregnancy ultrasound works: You may be asked to drink a lot of fluid before you have the scan. A full bladder pushes your uterus up and this gives a better picture. You then lie on your back and some jelly is put on your abdomen. An instrument is passed backwards and forwards over your skin and high-frequency sound is beamed through your abdomen to the uterus and pelvis.
The sound is reflected back and creates a picture that is shown on a screen. It can be very exciting to see a picture of your own baby moving about inside you.
Ask for the picture to be explained to you if you cannot make it out.
It should be possible for your partner to come with you and see the scan. Although scans are medical procedures, many couples feel that they help to make the baby real for them both. Ask if it’s possible to have a copy of the picture. There may be a small charge for this.
Fetal movement   
You will usually start feeling some movements between 16 and 22 weeks. Later in pregnancy your baby will develop its own pattern of movements – which you will soon get to know.
These movements will range from kicks and jerks to rolls and ripples and you should feel them every day. At each antenatal appointment, your midwife will talk to you about the pattern of movements. A change, especially a reduction in movements, may be a warning sign that your baby needs further tests. Try to become familiar with your baby’s typical daily pattern and contact your midwife or maternity unit immediately if you feel that the movements have changed.

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